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       At Broadview Heights Baptist Church we reach out to those around us through transportation. Our bus ministry travels to the southeast side of Cleveland in the Slavic Village area.  We pick up young people as well as adults on Sunday mornings for Sunday school classes and church.  Those who ride the bus are encouraged through singing, exhorted through Bible teaching, and energized with tasty treats.


      We want to share the Gospel with those who come so that they might accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and be born again.  God is still in the business of changing people's lives, and we pray that this will be the reality experienced through the transportation ministry. If you would like to catch a ride please contact us. 

If you would like information on getting a ride to church, please fill in the information. We will contact you shortly! 

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Frequently Asked Questions



 What time does the Bus come to my door?
The time that the bus arrives depends on where you come in the route. Generally, the bus is out from 8:45am to about 10:00am picking families up. Your bus leader will tell you a specific time range to be ready!


 What about the safety of my child?
We take safety very seriously at church and on the bus. Children are never alone with any adult and there are always multiple adults and helpers on the bus. Each worker goes through a background check and has been trained in the event of an emergency. The bus is inspected annually, and classes are small enough for each child to receive hands on and personal Bible training. The drivers are CDL certified and have outstanding safety records. If you ever had a question or concern, please call the office at 440.546.0157 or email


 What will I find when I arrive?
You will be welcomed by a friendly greeter who will make sure that you a directed to the right class. The class rooms are bright and cheerful and well organized. The teaching time is always from the Bible and many times pictures and cards are used to reinforce the lesson. There is singing and student participation games as well. The purpose of each class is to teach the Love of God through Jesus Christ. All that we do is for that purpose. 


 I have a friend that I want to come. Can they ride too?
We welcome new riders all the time. If you have a friend or relative who would like to ride, we will just need an address for them. Because of the limited space and route of our bus, we can only pick up people who fall within certain boundaries. If you are unsure, you can ask you bus leader or call the office. 


 What is the dress code?
We have no official dress code for church, though we believe that we should always offer God our best. Whatever you have that is your best would be appropriate for church. We do ask that riders maintain modesty especially during the summer months. 


 I can't come this Sunday. What do I do?
If there is ever a time that you cannot come, it is best to let the bus leader know as soon as possible. This can be done by calling the office or sending an email and letting us know, even if it is Saturday night or early Sunday morning. 

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Broadview Heights Baptist Church  



9850 Broadview Road

Broadview Heights, OH


© 2023 by BHBC.

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