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Abby Perkins

Fall Fest 2020: Classes, Cream Pies, and Candy Cannons

We were incredibly blessed by our second annual Fall Fest! We had close to 50 kids and adults in attendance, which was a fantastic number. Much prayer, planning, and hard work went into this event and we know God was glorified as a result.

The day dawned sunny and bright, which by itself was an answer to prayer. The kids began to arrive by 10 am and were greeted by a friendly, masked scarecrow who startled a few kids when he suddenly started moving!

As they made their way inside, the kids were dazzled by the many fun fall decorations inside, from a colorful balloon arch to a brightly lit platform backdrop to streamers hanging from the ceiling. Excitement was in the air as the kids found their seats in time for the opening announcements.

The first event of the day was an invigorating time of playing outdoor games such as Ship, Deck, Shore and 9-Square in the Air. With some of their energy expended, the kids were then ready to sit down in their classrooms and listen to a Bible lesson about how they could know for sure that they were on their way to Heaven. Teachers like Mrs. Carolyn Garcia used engaging object lessons to ensure that each kid understood. After the lesson, the kids worked on memorizing Bible verses that emphasized the truths that were just taught.

Next was lunch under the big tent! Our team of diligent kitchen workers helped serve hot dogs, apple slices, caramel dip, chips, and beverages to the hungry kids. While everyone ate, they listened to a game show-style skit about how we can make wise choices in our lives.

With lunch over, it was time to begin our first ever Fall Fest Fair. Each participant got their own Fair Passport that listed out all the activities, which included a hayride, Dizzy Sports Throw, and face painting. As each kid participated in the event, they received a stamp on their passport. Those that had a fully stamped passport by the end of the day earned a special prize of homemade chocolate covered pretzels. In addition to the Fall Fest Fair events, the kids got to join in other fun activities such as a Candy Hay Scramble plus enjoy freshly made s’mores and other goodies. Mr. Kojima even added to the fun by leading a spectacular rocket launch!

But there was one final event to come – the moment when all those who brought a visitor had the opportunity to throw a cream pie in a church worker’s face. The unfortunate workers were Abby Perkins, A.J. Perkins, and Nathan Royalty. There’s no doubt that the kids thoroughly enjoyed this part of the day!

By early afternoon, the last tired kid had climbed into the church van or their family’s car. As they left, they were given a goodie bag with treats and a Gospel tract. It had been a busy but wonderful day. God blessed in a mighty way and we give Him all the glory. There was an incredible spirit of unity among all the church members who let themselves be used for the Gospel’s sake. Already we have seen souls saved as a result of Fall Fest, and we pray for even more fruit.

We can’t wait for Fall Fest 2021!

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