Have you looked in the mirror lately? Vanity aside, all of us want to look our best at all times. Acknowledging needed changes is the important—and sometimes difficult—first step. We need to be honest with ourselves. We shouldn’t make comparisons; however, if we admire certain characteristics in others, that should give us added incentives to incorporate these qualities into our own lives. We shouldn’t try to imitate others. We are not that person.
As believers, God gives us many examples to follow. Scripture shows us many imperfect people who didn’t always measure up. Often, we can identify with them. Our mirror is God’s Word. A mirror never lies. The Bible shows each of us how to improve to become more like Christ. Do we need more compassion? Do we need a quieter and more gentle spirit as seen in a godly mother? As we meditate on His Word and seek His will in prayer, He reveals the areas in our lives where we need to change/improve. Ask Him for His strength and for help with your discipline to follow through. He doesn’t want any of us to be someone else. He created you, knows you, and wants to use you. Stay close to HIm.
Spiritually speaking, what does your reflection look like? How do you measure up?
Ruth Barnes