At the beginning of a new year, most of us take stock of ourselves in many ways. Self-improvement covers a wide range of commitments, and these resolutions vary. Most of us are committed to fulfill the promises that we’ve made. We all start out with good intentions, but somewhere along the way we seem to lose the momentum we had just a short time ago. New responsibilities crowd out our initial enthusiasm. Fulfilling those goals takes second place to other things. We need to reexamine our initial priorities.
Physical change is the goal; but we, as believers, need to also evaluate our spiritual fitness. What can we do to improve our relationship to the Lord? All of us are part of the body of Christ, and as such we need to use the talents and abilities He has given us. Pray that He will show you how to serve Him. Think about what you do well—be a person of prayer, teach a Bible class, open your home, go to the mission field or anything else the Lord calls you to do. Be willing. Be available and sensitive to His leading. Take a spiritual inventory of your life. Be honest. Where can there be improvement? What areas of our lives need to change to serve Him as we should? Make this a special year—a new journey with Him as you keep Him as the main focus and realize that your whole world revolves around Him.
-by Ruth Barnes