We are desperate to strengthen and help individuals and families in their walk with God. The day we are living in is no friend of the family or the serious, and committed Christian. For this reason we have invited Dr. Jim VanGeldren to preach a week long meeting here at our church.
With the busyness of everyone's schedule, I rarely send out invitations to meetings that we are having, however, this is different. I feel so confident that this is going to be a life changing week of preaching that I want everyone to know about it and come.
We will meet Monday - Friday, May 2nd-7th each evening at 7:00pm. This will be a unique and powerful week dealing with issues that each one of us face.
Dr. Jim VanGeldren is a nationally known evangelist that is truly spirit filled. I have been helped by the simplicity of his preaching and yet the profound truths that he can break down for each person. (www.jimvangelderen.org)
Will you make it a point to come and join us for this important week? Pass along the invitation to whomever you would feel led to invite.
I often say, “Investment in spiritual things will cost you but you can be guaranteed an abundant return.” This is an opportunity to invest in your spiritual walk and it will yield eternal results.
Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to enable you to join us.
Pastor J. Royalty